I am not a New Year's resolutions person. I heard this week that less than 10% of people keep their New Year's resolutions. This doesn't surprise me as I see them as aspirational. I prefer to set goals for the year. Just the act of writing it down makes me committed. Since today is the last day of 2023, I will report on my goal progress for the year.
The first two goals are similar- eat down the pantry and freezer. This time last year both were full to almost bursting. I am proud to report excellent progress on both. I am going to continue to focus on this next year.
House DIY: this consisted of several small house items that needed attention. These were all accomplished.
Finish the Unfinished: this was another categorical goal with several subgoals. It consisted of buying some small replacements parts for various things as well as some other house projects. I am happy to report these were all completed.
Better sleep hygiene: this is a fancy term for being better at going to bed at a consistent time each night. I did better some nights than others, but overall I would say I have improved. One thing I have definitely noticed- it's much easier to get to bed earlier when it gets dark at 6 PM vs. 10 PM.
Redeem free food offers: I had received quite a food free food offers, and I wanted to make sure I didn't let them expire. I also had two offers with no expiration dates. I did well on this goal. I still have the two with no expiration dates, but they are obviously not urgent/
Overall I am very pleased with the results of my 2023 goals. I am current pondering what my goals will be for 2024. Hopefully I have as good of results with whatever I choose.