The following candidate gave us something to talk about today. The story was told to me by my boss, who heard it from someone on the interview team
It started with the candidate griping about how hard it was to find his way around (we're under construction, and our facility is a maze. Even we spend a lot of time figuring out how to get from point A to point B). He was carrying his tie and coffee upon arrival (more than one person saw him come in carrying the tie. I'm sad I didn't get to witness this myself).
He entered the interview room and took off his coat. He then proceeded to put it not on his chair, but on the chair next to him. He placed his cell phone on the table (hello, that thing should be in your CAR). It rang during the interview. He apologized, but took the time to look & see who was calling. Apparently he didn't turn it off, because later in the interview it started vibrating. Again, he took the time to look and see who was calling (my coworker said "he didn't want to miss a call from his next job".)
Obviously, this guy isn't getting the job. But here's the thing: I don't think he wanted it. As I told a couple of people today, an interview is an interview for both parties. The company is seeing if it likes the candidate, and the candidate is seeing if he/she likes the company. I think his initial impression put him off, and he was done. I get it because I went through something similar myself recently, but I handled it with a bit more grace than this guy did. But, hey, he gave us something to laugh about, so it works for me.
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