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Friday, November 9, 2012

Choice Wins Again

I've written previously about how giving people choices can often lead to your getting your desired outcome with less headaches. I saw this in action again this week.

We celebrated my sister's birthday on Tuesday. I asked my 3 year old niece if she wanted to be in a picture I was taking of her uncles (my brother & brother-in-law). She said "No". I said "ok" and let it go. When I went to take the picture, guess whose smiling little self was standing right next to my brother-in-law?

I could have insisted she be in the picture to start. However, that would have probably led to lots of screaming from her and no fun for anyone involved. It was her choice though, so she decided to do it. Like her aunt, I can tell she much prefers to choose to do things than have others tell her what to do.

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