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Monday, December 14, 2015

I know what happened

Last week it was disclosed that one of our local universities is in the midst of what seems to be an every 6 months occurrence- an investigation into alleged financial improprieties. This time it's risen to a level that has gotten the FBI involved. Good times.

One of the people under investigation is a former employee. Two things I read about him caught my HR eye. 1. The university will not disclose why he's no longer there. 2. They won't say whether he quit or got fired. Pick me, pick me, because I know what happened. He got fired. Easy peasy. If he had resigned, there would be no problem saying that. However, due to risk management issues, companies will rarely say someone got fired. A few jobs ago all people who got canned were said to have resigned. It became known internally as "got resigned".

And there is your HR insight for today.

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