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Monday, August 29, 2016

When a simile is both amazing accurate and completely frightening

My employer is undergoing some rather large structural changes. One of these is that our Customer Service & IT departments will become part of another company at the beginning of 2017. This is unprecedented for us, and obviously there has been a lot of concern among the impacted employees as to how this will look in the end. You'd hope that there had been lots of time put into planning for this transition before it was announced. You would, of course, be wrong. The head of HR for the other organization made the following comment Friday "It's like we're flying the plane while we're still building it." He is exactly correct. It was both amazing accurate and completely frightening. To further his comparison, I'd say we're in for a bumpy ride. My department will be undergoing the same transition some time next year. Perhaps by then it will be smoother, but I'm not placing any bets on it.

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