Yesterday I got into a confrontation with a member of my company's management team (I'm an hourly peon and proud of it). He was very upset with me for getting on him and another management person about not complying with a rule that HE created (aka doing my JOB!).
He was very rude and said something that was both inaccurate and offensive. Now if you know me very well at all, you know that normally I'd shred him verbally on the spot. However, God was very gracious and helped me instead express logically and rationally my point of view. I was very angry, but not once did I get disrespectful or otherwise let my emotions run my mouth. Even through my anger, I could see how effective logic and truth are. It's tough to argue with those two when they are used in a calm manner.
By the end of the conversation, he had apologized for what he said. I was still pondering about filing a written complaint with my boss but decided to hold off. I did of course document the event in my own notes. I'm not an HR nerd for nothing you know.
This morning this person came up to my desk. I asked how I could help him. I was genuinely sincere; though I'm still displeased with his actions, God is great, and I'm not boiling over with anger. He asked if I had a minute to talk to him in a meeting room (I work in a open office, so no privacy otherwise). I said sure. He started off with "I'm sure you're probably mad at me" and went on to APOLOGIZE. He said what he said to me yesterday bothered him all last night. He admitted he was wrong, said he was sorry, he's been stressed, etc. I think he was sincerely sorry. Of course, part of me wonders how much is "I'm sorry I did it" versus "This could have some serious reprecussions for me", but still, I know it took a lot for him to say it. At the end he said that he hoped I could forgive him after some time had passed. I just said nothing. With God's help, yes, I will. In fact, I feel like I'm already pretty close, just not quite there yet. But woe be it unto him if he thinks he's ever talking crazy to me again.
This whole process illustrated to me how what we say impacts situations. Had I let anger rule, I wouldn't have said anything offensive, but my sarcasm definitely wouldn't have helped the situation. Sticking to facts and being logical, though difficult, was the right thing to do.
On a larger scale, it shows that God will indeed go before us and fight our battles for us. We just have to get out of the way.
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