Today I e-mailed a 5 page packet outlining two open positions at our company to our approved recruiters. The information is extremely detailed (obviously, it's 5 pages), covering pay, benefits, desired qualifications, job descriptions, etc. Based on two of the stupid questions I got (and they aren't supposed to e-mail me at all anyway, we put the contact e-mail in the packet too), we should remove 2 of these recruiters from our approved list and not let their candidates interview, because they aren't too bright.
Stupid Recruiter Question #1
Your description gave an hourly rate of pay. Our system requires a yearly salary. Can you please give me that?
REALLY? You are a recruiter and you can't convert that? It's basic, easy math. Just to be sure, I asked 2 non-HR coworkers, and they both knew how. One even knew how many work hours in the year without doing the math- 2080 (40 hours/week X 52 weeks/year). My response to the recruiter was as follows:
$14 X 2080 = $29,120
That's was the ENTIRE e-mail I sent. I'm hoping she gets just how dumb a question that was.
Stupid Recruiter Question #2
What does this position pay?
Dumb dumb. When I told my boss about this question, he said "Tell her to READ what we sent". As I was getting ready to type those exact words, he realized I was literally going to write just that, and tell her that he said it. Hehe. He caught himself just in time. Instead, her e-mail said "As for salary, please see the first paragraph of the position description". You know, all those random lines and shapes on the white space, aka WORDS. The info was in the first paragraph on the first page. She didn't even skim it.
Summary: Stupid recruiters make their candidates look stupid by association. We don't send you a 5 page detailed description because we have nothing better to do. Trust me, we'd rather be eating cookies.
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