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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sometimes it's worth more to spend more

I am cheap by nature. I love a good deal. However, as I've gotten older, I've come to realize that sometimes paying more is the wiser thing to do.

Example #1- Eating out

I love eating out, and I would not be sad if I never cooked again. Although I'm cheap, I hardly ever eat fast food. The quality in most cases is just not that good. I'd rather pay a little bit more and have better food.

Example #2- Athletic shoes

Walking is my preferred form of exercise during the non summer months. Previously I had a threshold for what I'd pay for athletic shoes. The problem I've had in the past few years is I cannot find shoes that fit my feet well. I finally gave in and went to a specialty running store. For the first time in a long time, shoes that were comfortable. Were they more? LOTS more. But as my mom says "You only have one pair of feet."

Example 3- Paper Towels

Recently I purchased some paper towels are Dollar Tree. Oh my goodness, they are so cheap. I normally buy the store brand at the grocery store, and those are luxury compared to these flimsy things. I'll be glad when they're gone, which won't be long based on how wimpy they are.

I always like to to watch my spending closely, but sometimes the best value is actually found in spending a little more.

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