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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

If you're looking for a job...

I spent part of my afternoon setting up testing times for candidates for an opening in our maintenance department. If you or someone you know is looking for a job, I offer the following advice based on my experiences.

1. If your cell phone is your primary phone, SET UP YOUR VOICEMAIL

I called a candidate today. When it got to voicemail, I received the following message "The subscriber you are calling has not set up voicemail. Goodbye." And then hung up on me. Grr. I then had to e-mail the candidate. You can be sure I mentioned about the voicemail not being set up. Had I been in charge, I would have been done with this candidate entirely.

2. If you use a template to build your resume, be sure you delete all the the template info when you're done

I was confused by the address on the bottom back page of a candidate's resume. It's several states away, and this position is not one for which we are doing relocation. Then I looked at the front and saw the person's address. He'd used a template to build his resume which is fine, but he hadn't deleted all the stock information from it when he added his data.

I hope you enjoyed today's helpful hints.

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