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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Are you listening to what you're saying?

Sometimes we'd all do well to sit back and listen to the words that come out of our mouths. This came to mind recently after hearing something my coworker Q said. I know she's been having some cash flow problems from other conversations we've had. She was recently talking about some overtime she'd worked, so I asked her if that meant she'd be getting the new tires for her car that she's been needing. She said she first had to get some work done on her teeth, a priority I understand. However, then she said "I'm thinking about getting a new car and giving my car to (her son). " Are you kidding me? You're having money problems now. Do you think a several hundred dollar a month car payment is going to improve that situation? She has a reliable, paid for car now. Crazy.

At the end of the conversation I told "Q, just get tires for your car." Whether she takes this advice remains to be seen.

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