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Sunday, April 28, 2013

I've Got Nothing

My boss gave me a card for Administrative Professional's Day on Wednesday. Here's what the front said along with my thoughts as I read it:

The only thing more important than liking your work (nope, I don't have that)
is liking the people you're working with (nope, I don't have that either)

Bottom line: I've got nothing

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Are you listening to what you're saying?- UPDATE

Recently I saw what appeared to be coworker Q getting into a new car. When I asked her about it later, she confirmed that she has purchased a new car. She said "I was so nervous when I bought it. I prayed "God, please help me make these car payments.""

This is a type of prayer I think we often pray- "Dear God, please bless this decision I made without asking you for input."

We'd be far better of with this prayer "Dear God, please help me to make the right decision about this." I think my worker would have been wiser to ask if she should buy a car rather than to request assistance with payments.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Favorite Work Phrase #8 in action- UPDATE

Here's more on the person who hung up on my boss situation:

From: (My boss)
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 11:33 AM
To: R
Subject: RE: Meeting
Thanks R. I truly appreciate your apology.
(My boss)
From: R
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 7:58 AM
To: (My boss)
Subject: Meeting
(My boss),
When you get a free moment, I would like to meet with you to apologize for Thursday personally.
Yes, they really did have a meeting, and I guess she really did apologize. I have to wonder whether this was entirely her idea, or if her boss "helped" her. Either way, it was a wise move.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Favorite Work Phrase #8 in action

Today I witnessed a classic example of Favorite Work Phrase #8.

First, some backstory:  associate "R" has had issues with the amount of vacation time we have on record for her. My coworker tried explaining it to her. When that didn't work, my coworker asked me to look at it. I agreed with our records. Finally, my coworker handed it off to our boss. He called her yesterday to try to talk her through it. Apparently, she was in one of her well known riled up moods. My boss is normally very calm, extremely anticonfrontational, and rarely raises his voice. However, at least once I heard him say in a very firm voice "No, R, you need to listen to me." I suppose she didn't like the conversation, SO SHE HUNG UP ON HIM. Yes, a manager hung up on the senior manager (aka a level above her) of HR.  Wow, my team was in shock. I was waiting for R to come in the office and start screaming. Fortunately for all, that didn't occur.

My boss rarely shows it when he's mad, but he was as red as Rudolph's nose, and he wasn't talking when I left.  I could hear him typing away though, so I figured a good message was in progress. I was not disappointed. Here's the message that was sent:

From: (My boss)
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 5:42 PM
To: (R)
Cc: (R's Boss)
Subject: R's Vacation Balance

Dear R,

Since you hung up on me, I wanted to formally respond in writing. What I was trying to explain to you is that you and (your boss) verified in writing that you carried over 4 days (32 hours) from 2012 into 2013. The max is 5 days, but you only had 4 days per your record which you signed off on during the audit. I am sorry if you are upset with me, but if you will not sit down with us and let us explain to you what the record shows, it is impossible to really help you. Thus, you have 160 hours (20 days) + 32 hours (4 days carry over) or a grand total of 192 hours (24 days) to start in 2013. We do not carry over Personal Days for exempt associates. That is the bottom line--192 hours (24 days) to start on 1/1/13. You said something about 2011--I have no idea what that was about as we cannot go back in past history. You have taken vacation on 1/2/13, 1/3/13, 1/4/13 and 3/28/13. You also requested 1/21/13 as a vacation day, but you told (my coworker) you did not take that date. I need you to initial the form I placed in your box cancelling that date so that we can credit it back to you. If you prefer, you can send me an e-mail or give me a note--whatever is easiest for you. We have asked other associates to give written verification that they did not take a vacation day so that we can have proper documentation (in fact, we had one today in LA). Thus, 192 hours (24 days) - 32 hours (4 days) will give you a total of 160 hours (20 days) balance versus 19 days if 1/21/13 is not charged.

I hope you realize that we accrue vacation pay outs, and the Finance Team and my Team audit the records very carefully. Further, we send the results to managers and their associates to further verify. The records are what they are. I cannot just start adding days without some documentation to back it up. Thanks.

(My boss)

I have a feeling R "pressed enter" when she read this if she hadn't already, because here is her response:

From: R
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 6:20 PM
To: (My boss)
Cc: (R's boss).
Subject: Re: R's Vacation Balance

Ok (my boss), I understand. Sorry about cutting you off. I had people on my back about a blend but that is no excuse. I apologize for the craziness. I understand what you saying. Thanks for taking the time to write it down so I could focus on what you were saying now that I have the time to deal with it.

Have a great weekend and once again I apologize for any inconvenience


Oh yes, I think she realized she might have went a tad over the edge. "Enter" has indeed been pressed.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bathroom Redo

Several weeks ago while the doorknob on my bathroom closet was being replaced, I asked what it would take to get my bathroom repainted. I've lived here a long time, and the walls were looking rough. I also mentioned that the bathroom faucet was leaking. I got a call from my landlord within a couple of days. They were going to have the bathroom painted, and I would get to choose the color! In addition to replacing the faucet, they were taking out the hideous mirror (which my landlord swears was chosen by his former business partner, not him) and putting in a medicine cabinet (yes, more storage), and the 1980s style light fixture was going too. Here is what it looked liked:

As you can see, the changes were direly needed. One Saturday a couple weeks ago, the light fixture, medicine cabinet, and new faucet were installed. This Saturday was painting day. And now behold my new, much improved bathroom:

I am VERY pleased. As the saying goes, you have not because you ask not.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A sure sign of spring

Now that we are finally getting spring-like weather (it's April, about time), one of the signs of spring has arrived- the car washes are busy! I washed one car each last night and today, and both were so disgusting and past due on their bathing. I talked to a coworker who said he drove by a car wash Sunday, and there were lots of people there. Perhaps spring really is here.

Employee Tracking

This story came to me from a friend via her coworker. My friend wanted to know what I thought. FREAKED OUT. Oh my goodness. My first thought was one echoed by someone in the comment section: do you really think they aren't going to actually use it to record conversations? RIGHT. I'm ready to be a hermit for sure.