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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dear Hiring Managers: Stop hating on millenials

I have had more than 1 hiring manager who's recently put down millennials as employees. This highly irritates me, and they need to knock it off. I am not a millennial, so I personally have no dog directly in this fight. However, here are least two reasons why it needs to cease.

1. It's stereotyping

What if I said all people who are (insert race, gender, or ethic label here) have some alleged bad quality? First, it's very unlikely that this would be true. Second, we perceive such an over-generalization as unfair, as well we should.

2. They are the workforce of the future

Whether you love that or hate it, you need to suck it up and find ways to adapt. Yes, you have to adapt. Every generation leaves its stamp on the workforce. You can either bemoan what impact you think the millennials will have, or you can embrace it and use their skills to further grow and develop your workplace. The choice is up to you.

I have started call out our staff when they say derogatory things about millennials. You are either the problem or the solution. In this instance, which are you?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

When a simile is both amazing accurate and completely frightening- Update

Last week our Executive Director called a same day meeting for all departments transitioning to the other company 1/1/17. HR was also invited. None one knew (or at least would admit) what the meeting was about. At the meeting the Executive Director announced that the transition is on hold until further notice due to some legal issues that must be resolved. Yes, two weeks before it was to take place, and after countless hours of work throughout both organizations, issues that should have been long ago foreseen and addressed have come to light. There is no timeline on when, or if, the transition will ever take place. Customers of our company, this was not our best use of your funds.