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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Conversation with a 5 year old

Friday night I watched my niece & nephew for a few hours so their parents could go out. Not long after both kids went to bed, my nephew, age 5, came out from his room to use the bathroom. After that objective was complete, he came to talk to me in the living room. Here is the conversation we had:

Nephew: "Aren't you lonely?"
Me: "Why would I be lonely?"
Nephew: "There's no one sitting out here with you."
Me: "(Nephew), I live by myself." (he knows this)
Nephew: "For real? Why?"
Me: "Because it's awesome. Go to bed."
Nephew: "There's something chirping in my room. I think it's an alligator."
Me: "You'll be fine. Go to bed."

And he did. I had to admire his creative stalling tactics.

The next day I asked him what happened to the alligator in his room. His response? "I punched it in the eyes."

Yes, he's a imaginative little chap.

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