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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

I-bonds just got even more interesting

 Last fall I wrote about I-bonds. Today, it was announced that the rate for the upcoming 6 months will be 9.62%! Yes, nearly 10%. This will be a record. The financial nerd set, self-included, is practically salivating. As I told my mom previously, some of the people on one of the financial boards I follow have serious bucks. There are people that buy the $45K annual limit of I-bonds each year ($10K for each spouse, $10K for each spouse's trust, and overpay their federal taxes enough to get $5K in paper bonds from their tax return). Though I'm not in their league at this point of my life, I do like reading their posts as I learn a lot. 

I'll repeat my disclaimer from the last time I wrote about I-bonds: I am not a financial advisor, nor do I play one on TV. This article is not a suggestion for you to buy anything. It is my thoughts on something interesting to me. If you'd like to learn more, do your own independent research from reputable sources. 

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