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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"May Have Been Insensitive"- You Think?- UPDATE

I was just checking CNN and saw this headline "Execs donate bonuses to rig victims' kin". Of course, I had to read the story. Yes, as my teammate would say, "Someone pressed enter". Five people at the top of the Transocean food chain have decided to donate their dubious safety bonuses to the families of those killed in the Deepwater Horizon accident. The aggregate amount is over $250,000.

"The executive team made this decision because we believe it is the right thing to do," Chief Executive Officer Steven Newman said in a statement Tuesday. "Nothing is more important to Transocean than our people, and it was never our intent to diminish the effect the Macondo tragedy has had on those who lost loved ones," he said. "We offer our most sincere apologies and we regret the impact this matter has had on the entire Transocean family."
Translation: We're not smart enough not to do something stupid like say "safest year ever" when 9 of our employees died. But we do "get" that people are upset (our publicist told us), and this is what we agreed to do to try to cover our hides. But we still wish we got to keep the cash.

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