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Monday, August 27, 2012

File that under "N" for Not My Problem

Last week we announced we were getting rid of one of our company refrigerators since we've purchased a new one. I sent out an e-mail on Tuesday telling people they needed to get anything they  wanted to keep out of the old fridge by 4 PM on Friday and that everything that remained after that would be thrown in the trash.

Here's a conversation I had today.
DC= disgruntled coworker
M= me

DC "What happened to everything that was in the other refrigerator?"
M "It's in the trash"
DC "I just bought some ice cream sandwiches, and I forgot on Friday. Did they throw that away?"
M "Yes" 
DC "What about my tupperware?"
M "It's in the trash" (noticing a trend here?)

She was mad, but the only person she had to be mad at was herself. As my coworker say "Sounds like a personal problem to me." It's sure not my problem.

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