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Saturday, August 4, 2012

A little time spent, a lot of money saved

I've been with my car insurance company for a very long time, probably nearly a decade. They have always treated me well, and the rates have always been competitive. Imagine my shock when I got my most recent bill and saw it had went up 13.7%! There's nothing on my end that's made it higher, so it was time to do some shopping.

My first quote 26% LESS than my current insurer. Oh yes, this was time well spent. I spent about an hour making calls, and the best quote was 36.8% under my carrier's premium. I called my current insurer to see if they could do any better. They said no, they'd had an across the board rate increase. I thus switched.

My hour's work was very financially rewarding. It saved me in the 3 figure range for the next six months. Competition can indeed be good for the consumer.

Fun fact: I own shares in my new insurer's parent company. That earn me a discount. How awesome is that?

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