Sometimes situations in life make you extremely thankful for what you have. I had just such an experience last week. My mom and I took the city bus to get to a tourist attraction while we were on vacation. Getting there was great. We went to the stop, waited a bit, and rode to our destination. Coming back was another story. We arrived at the bus stop about 4. The bus was to pick up at 4:08. Nothing. 4:20. Nothing. 4:30. Nothing. Finally at 4:45 (the time the bus AFTER the 4:08 should have arrived) we got picked up. We ended up talking to some local people who were also waiting for the bus, and one of them mentioned that long delays on this route had become more common.
My mom and I talked later about how trying it would be to have this be your primary mode of transportation. Imagine trying to make it to work, a doctor appointment, etc. on time. It would be stressful and at times impossible. I am SO thankful I have my own car, actually 2 of them.
Car ownership does have its challenges of course. In the span of a month I had to buy new front brakes & rotors for car #1 and dealt with simultaneous power steering fluid & coolant leaks in my other (thankfully the appropriate stop leak for each fluid fixed those). When my mom and I got home from another vacation 2 weeks ago my car battery was dead in car #1 and I had to get jumped. I'm getting a new battery for it this week after 2 unsuccessful trips to the auto supply store. However, despite the frustration in dealing with all of these issues (and I was so frustrated at one point that I told my brother "I'm TIRED of all this. I just want to put gas in my car and go. That's it."), I am very, very grateful I have my cars and can come and go on my schedule, not the whims of unpredictable public transportation.
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