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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sometimes we need the past to appreciate the present

This week marks 6 months at my new job. Amazing how time flies. I've written before about how remarkably easy this job is and how little actual work I do. I had predicted that at around 4 months I would be bored. I was right. I have been job hunting again, and I'm amazed at how much more response I'm seeing this time around. I've already had several phone and in person interviews. 

Me being me, though, I'm ready to move on now. Patience is not always my strongest suit. Last week I was feeling pretty frustrated that my new job wasn't in sight yet. That all changed when I ran across some paperwork from my last job. Oh my. I had put out of my mind of lot of the crazy with which I dealt daily. It made me realize again just how good this job has been. I've been practically skipping into work since then. Sometimes we need the past to help us appreciate the present.

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