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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Disconnected from reality

One of the things we often notice in our customers is their lack of connection with how the real work works. A recent example: One of our customers was fired from his temporary job because he shipped items on the wrong truck. This cost the company $1900. He couldn't believe that they fired him for this. He was even more incredulous that they did so right before Christmas. He told one of the bosses "You should have fired me after Christmas." WHAT? You made an expensive mistake as a temporary employee. One of the perks of hiring temporary employees from the company standpoint is you can get rid of them no muss, no fuss. And why on earth would they keep you on just because it's December? When you need to go, you need to go. As we say amongst the staff- our customers aren't divorced from reality. They're not even acquainted with it.

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