One of the things I quickly noted at my new job is that we did a very poor job of staying on time for candidate interviews. We would start late and run over frequently. I immediately determined that once I was in charge of scheduling interviews myself that I would make a concerted effort to improve our punctuality. I had a couple of reasons for this. First, I am task/time oriented person. I hate it when things don't run on time. Second, and more importantly, not being on time presents a poor impression of the organization to our candidates. As I have often said, the candidates' time is more valuable than mine. I am getting paid to attend the interviews. They aren't. They've had to rearrange their days, often on the sly, to be there. I thus want to respect their time.
I am happy to report that our on time performance has markedly improved. However, would you like to guess which area is the worst at this? My mom got it in one- HR. Yes, physician heal thyself. It drives me crazy. You would think it would be the department I could most readily get to achieve timeliness, but counter intuitively it's not. I like my boss, but I have found she is not good at estimating how long tasks will take to complete. She tends to allow significantly less time than things actually require. Unfortunately I can't as readily call out her and her boss (the HR director) when they run over. I just have to tolerate it. Thankfully, our department is now fully staffed, so we hopefully won't have to do any more interviews for our area any time soon.
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