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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

When people are the cause of their own hurt feelings

One of our managers was eating breakfast at his desk this morning when one of his direct reports came to him and said "my feelings were hurt because I didn't get an interview for X position." The manager said his jaw dropped. He told the employee he would check into the situation and get back with him. Upon checking, the reason his jaw dropped was confirmed. The person didn't get an interview because he didn't apply for the position. Funny how that works.

This was the 2nd interview for an opening with this title in the last month. The jobs are on different shifts and were posted separately.  Thus, applying for the first opening has nothing to do with the interview process for the second one. We did end up filling the 2nd position with someone who was also in the candidate pool for the first position, but the key is this person applied for both position. If you want the job, you need to make people are aware of that fact by turning in the required paperwork.

As my mom likes to say "Being a manager would be great if you managed robots."

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