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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two Ways To Make Customers Not Love You

Today I had two very frustrating dealings with vendors. I was looking over our department's credit card statement, and I see a charge for something I ordered a month ago but is on backorder. I call the company and ask why I've been charged since the item hasn't been shipped yet. "Once we place the order in our system and transfer it to the third party vendor, it's marked as shipped in our system and billed." Are you serious? I told the guy I've never heard of such a thing. Every vendor I've ever used bills you once the merchandise is physically sent. These crazy people have sat on our money for a month. I guarantee you THEY haven't paid the third party vendor yet because the item hasn't shipped. I was so angry. Basically, I got an insincere "sorry, that's how we do it". I will not buy anything from them again, and I wouldn't recommend that anyone else do so either.

The next row was with the contractors who just renovated our main restrooms. We got all new stall dividers, countertops, and sinks. Overall they were good to deal with when they did the work last week. They had told me it would be a 3 day job. On the morning of the 4th day, I notice that it seems all their tools are gone, but they obviously aren't done since the ceiling tiles they had to remove haven't been replaced, and there is some sort of goop (maybe silicone?) in the sinks. The same day, our Maintenance Supervisor shows me some other small issues they need to address. I think surely they'll be back that day to finish up. Nope. What do I see when I get my mail today? The final bill! As if! I call them an explain that I can't pay until they come finish the work. The person asked what needed to be done still. I barely got started before she transferred me to the owner (she was no fool). I again state into my list, and I also tell him that no one checked with me before they left or after. Hello, I am the in charge person for this project, and that would have saved us all some grief. He says they worked long days, blah blah and that's it's hard to see things like that when you've done the install. I told him I very much get that it's hard to proof your own work (which is why I always have my team or someone else if they're not available review any presentations before I give them). I reiterate that's where having someone check with me would have been helpful. His response- a very snide "Well maybe you should be a contractor sometime"

OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT TO ME. I was livid. I managed to end the call without verbally fileting him, and I immediately told my coworkers what had transpired. I was the CUSTOMER, making reasonable requests that you finish the job you were paid to do. They did send someone over, and the job was completed. However, for being rude to me the owner will not get to bid on a job 2 or 3 times the size of the one they just did. They were eager when we told them about it a couple weeks ago, but no way are they coming back on any project I head.

Moral of the story: Customers aren't always right. I know, my company has customers too. But being rude, especially when you are wrong, will rid you of the problem of dealing with that customer forever. They will take their business and their money to someone who treats them courteously and professionally.

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