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Friday, February 4, 2011

Favorite Work Phrase #9

We often say at work "(Name of company) is seldom boring". There is always some kind of excitement or drama occurring. Here are some examples from the last three days. Yes, three days.

One of our employees fell about 4 feet from a yard dog (like a semi but smaller, used to move trailers and containers around our property) and lands on his face. Because he struck his head, he was transported by EMS to the ER. Thankfully he ended up with only a few stitches and some bruising. It could have been much worse.

1. Applicant utters potentially racist comment (see "A Way To Make Sure We Don't Want You To Work Here"

2. I was in a conference room with my teammate filing a claim from yesterday's employee accident when a coworker comes up to the window of the room and starts mouthing things to me. I don't read lips, so I left the room to find out what the wanted. He said "you need to look outside". I do, and I see flashing lights at the end of our parking lot. A truck driver was leaving our property with a loaded tank trailer (like the kind you'd haul gas or milk in). As he was turning out onto the street, the trailer became disconnected from truck, came to rest on the landing gear, and blocked most of the 2 lane street. By the time I found out, the police had already arrived to direct traffic.  No one was injured, no product (oil) leaked, but it was certainly something.

1. Supplier tells me it's our fault HE'S making mistakes (see "Favorite Work Phrase #8")

I'd say "seldom boring" is a very apt description, wouldn't you?

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