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Friday, March 18, 2011

Seafood Score

This week Kroger has 26-30 count shrimp on sale for $5.99. That's a good price, so I decided to purchase some. When I got to the store, I couldn't find any in the freezer case. I found an employee who said he'd check but he'd looked the other day and had been unable to even find a tag where they would go on the shelf. I asked if I could have the next size at the same price if the advertised size wasn't in stock. . He said I could. Of course, there were none of the advertised shrimp. So instead I got 16-20 count shrimp. What a hardship. Those shrimp rang up at I believe $13.99/pound, and I got them for $5.99. That's a deal! If you like shrimp and live near a Kroger, you might want to go purchase some before the sale ends tomorrow night.

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