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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Epic Egg Salad

Last week I found myself awash in eggs. My mom's coworker's granddaughter has started raising chickens. She sells the eggs for $1 a dozen, as cheap or cheaper than you'd find at the grocery store. And they are SO much better. The chickens are free range, meaning they walk around outside eating bugs and doing other chicken things. The yolks from this type are chickens are a gorgeous orange-yellow color. After seeing them, you'll never want another store bought egg.

I already had over half a dozen that I had gotten not too long ago, but my mom now had even more. I couldn't pass them up since they are so good. I decided it was time to try an egg salad recipe I'd gotten some time ago from one of Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen mysteries. Here's what the finished product looked like:

Notice how yellow the yolks are. And how did it taste? Best. Egg salad. Ever.

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