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Monday, March 19, 2012

It All Makes Sense Now- UPDATE

Today as I was preparing to leave, my coworker took a phone call. What got me was not her words, but the faces she was making. I knew her tale was going to be good. And it was. Last fall I wrote this column about one of our employees who quit suddenly. Guess who was on the phone today, 4 short months later? Yep. He said he'd hit a rough patch and needed a job with steady hours. Oh, you mean the kind you had here? He wanted to know if he submitted a resume if it would be considered. My coworker said that he'd have to check with his former supervisor or our boss, the HR manager.  I told my coworker the heartache he had must have been overcome by his need to eat. I personally wouldn't rehire him, but who knows what will come of it. If more developments occur, I'll keep you updated.

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