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Friday, June 27, 2014

Blessing in disguise

Recently I was almost to work when I realized I had failed to bring a plate for heating my lunch. This was a problem because my food was in a foil container which of course cannot be microwaved. I was not pleased at the prospect of no food. When I got to work I started digging through the cabinets for a paper plate, dish, etc. that I could use. Lo and behold, I not only found something, it was something of mine! For several weeks I had been missing the 4th plate to one of my sets of dishes. I could not for the life of me figure out where it could be as I never loaned it to anyone, and I only use the plates at home or work. Well, apparently I had brought it here one day and somehow left it. The only thing I can figure is I must have cleaned it, set it down, and never picked it back up. What started as a moment of frustration turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

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