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Monday, July 7, 2014

I'm thankful I'm not where I once was

This afternoon about 4 I was at work feeling more bored than usual. I was thinking about how badly I want to get a job where I am challenged again. My mini pity party was swiftly ended after I got home from work. A former coworker called me, and she told me how horribly she is being treated at my former employer. She feels that they are out to get her, and I believe she is right. While I was there I saw people targeted for no real reason, and it appears this is happening to her. I felt so badly for her, and it reminded yet again of one of the many reasons I left. When I compare my job situation now to this time last year, it is night and day. It really put things in perspective for me. If being bored is my biggest problem at my current job, then life is pretty good. I'm so thankful I am not where I once was.

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