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Friday, August 7, 2015

Job search update

After negotiation and careful consideration, last Monday I accepted one of the two jobs I was offered, and I declined the other. My background check was completed the next day. I immediately called my present employer and gave notice. My last day at this job is Tuesday of next week, and I start my new job the next day. 

Friday of last week I got a call from the employer with whom I interviewed on Monday. They wanted me to take a personality assessment and complete information for a background screen. I told them that unfortunately I had already accepted another position. On Tuesday of this week I got an interview request for another position to which I have applied. I thanked them for their interest and declined the interview.

It is crazy that it works this way. I've been seriously job searching for over a year with very little results. Now, jobs are practically falling out of the sky. I told my coworker that if I'd been offered any of these jobs by itself, I would have taken it. This is not an usual phenomenon as I have seen it with my job seeking customers at work more than once. It is definitely nice to be wanted. I am very much looking forward to starting my new job in 5 days.

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