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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Proof that God loves us- both big ways and small

God loves each and every one of us. It's a fact. And while we "know" that, how often do we recognize the many, many ways he shows us? Yesterday I had two examples that reminded me of how God shows His love to us in ways both large and small.

First, the small way. I had a meeting cancelled. Any time a meeting is cancelled, I see it as proof that God loves me. First of all, because who likes meetings? Secondly, it is insanely busy in my job right now, and the cancellation freed up time for me to do other things that direly needed attention.

The second was larger. I lost a soon-to-be-hired employee's paperwork. All of it- application, background screen release, interview notes, the whole shebang. Some of it I could ask the candidate to resubmit, but some of it was irreplaceable. Not good. Before going into full blown panic mode, I took a walk. While on the walk I prayed that I would find it. When I got back to the office, I asked one of my coworkers if I had mixed the documents in with the payroll data I had reviewed for her. Nope. Not long after that I grabbed the folder for another job I am working to fill. It was almost as if the pages in the file miraculously parted, displaying all the items I was seeking. What a relief!

I am so very thankful for the many ways God shows His love to me, including the above. May I continually remember to look and be thankful for them.

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