Friday morning my boss asked me if the phone had rang in the conference room where I was conducting interviews the day before. I said it hadn't. She said "It must have been (coworker)". When coworker arrived, my boss asked her. She said that it had. She answered, but no one was there. She also said that as soon as that happened, another member of the team who is director level unplugged the phone from the wall! My boss then explained the situation.
It seems that at that building, there is a feature you can enable on the phone. You then call from another room, say nothing making whoever answers hang up, and then the phone is on conference unknown to the occupants of the room. You hear everything that's being said. Yes, that's some super shady surveillance. Just think, you could listen into a round of interviews for which you are a candidate and know all the questions in advance. You could also secretly learn about confidential management and HR discussions. I'm not sure how this was discovered, but the cat is out of the bag now. When the phone administrator was contacted, she said "that's not possible." She was told it has happened. So now part of my interview prep when I'm at the building is to unplug the phone before we begin. Imagine what would happen if people put as much energy and creativity into legitimate ways of getting ahead as they do things like this.
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