"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate" Quote on a Dove candy wrapper
The more I thought about this quote, the more it resonated with me (the chocolate inside the wrapper was really good too). There is a saying that goes "you only see that which you're willing to see". When we open our eyes to possibilities and focus on them, it seems there are more of them. What is probably more likely is we are just noticing what has been there all along. Case in point: I am looking to purchase a 2nd car as my winter driver/convertible/gas saver. Ever since I've decided to purchase this, I've seen the model I want everywhere. How often did I see them before then? Rarely. Were they still there? Well, since they haven't made this model in about a decade, I'd say the odds are high they were. I just notice them now.
Last week one of my coworkers returned from being off for several weeks on short term disability. I asked her why she was off, henceforth to be known as Mistake #1. After an approximately 5 minutes tale of woe and whining, she ended with "but I'm trying to stay positive". I thought "If this is positive, you are failing miserably".
Most of us are so blessed so much of the time, but instead we focus on what we don't have. Last year we had a sermon at church on thankfulness. Our assignment after the service was to go home and write down the things for which we are thankful. Talk about humbling. Good health, family, friends, a place to live, etc., pretty soon you realize how very much we have to be grateful for every minute of every day.
This week try to look for the positive in your life. For example- the fact that the ringing alarm wakes you means that you can hear. The more we focus on being thankful for what we have, the more you'll notice how much you have in life for which to express thanks.
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