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Friday, September 2, 2011

Some Things Are Meant To Be

About two months ago my mom lost the diamond from her wedding band set at work. She had been breaking down some cardboard boxes, looked down, saw one of the prongs was broken, and the stone was missing. She looked all over and couldn't find it. She asked the cleaning person to keep an eye out for it that night, but she didn't find it either. My mom decided she didn't want to replace the stone as she doesn't wear the ring that much anymore, so she sold it for the gold. She said it made her kind of sad to know it was going to be melted down after she'd worn it for 36 years.

Low and behold, about a month later my mom walks into her office one morning and sitting on her desk is THE DIAMOND. The cleaning person found it in one of the rooms in her department in a corner on the floor. My mom is going to have it put in some other piece of jewelry.

This is actually the 2nd time she has lost and found the diamond. A couple years ago she lost it while working an event at a golf course. Miraculously she found it then too.

I think my mom said it best in the e-mail she sent out when the diamond was found:

"Amazing, this diamond has had several lives... It was meant for me to keep it"

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