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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Insanely Dangerous/Stupid

Today was the coldest morning we've had yet this winter- 25 when I left my house around 7:30. Thus, I really had to scrape my windows and windshield before leaving the parking lot. It was also one of the foggiest days I've seen in a long time. As I was rolling down the highway on the way to work, I noticed brake lights through the fog ahead (visibility was VERY low at times). This road is a divided highway, so I figured someone was waiting to turn into the industrial complex across the road. However, I sat parked for quite a while, and cars in front of me started changing lanes, very challenging due to the fog. I finally saw flashers in front of me, my clue to extremely cautiously try to move over myself. When I eventually got moving again in the other lane, I was shocked at what had caused the slow down- someone was PARKED diagonally in the fast lane (speed limit 55 MPH) of the highway scraping the windows of the car. Are you insane? You could have been rearended and killed, clipped by a car and killed, caused a wreck that killed others, etc. What on earth would possess anyone to do something this dumb?

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