Today one of our managers showed me a letter he'd received from one of our customers. It started out like many we tend to receive this time of year:
"Dear X,
This a reminder that employees of XYZ company are prohibited from receiving gifts."
Then it got crazy
"But the company will accept gifts to give at our Christmas party. Gift cards in the amount of at least "X" preferred. Please send them to Employee Z at the address listed below by such and such date"
You are soliciting people to help fund YOUR company's party? Get real. Now our company does solicit vendors for charity fundraising, but not to fund our own events. We received at least one similar type letter before (I think it was for a company's employee picnic), and let's say our management was not impressed. The statement was something like "We don't mind helping with charities, but we're not paying for something that your company should be paying for."
As for today's letter, the manager said it was headed straight for File 13.
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