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Monday, November 5, 2012

The XYZ 20

New hires at my company (XYZ) tend to gain weight. We even have a name for it- the XYZ 20, sort of like the freshman 15. We warn people about it. It's not inevitable, but they will have to make a concerted effort not to become more girthy (one of my coworker's words. I love it.)

Two recent examples of the XYZ 20 in action:

Example #1
Associate A was hired in early September. At the beginning of last month he stated he's gained 10 pounds. I helpfully informed him he was halfway there.

Example #2
Associate B started in mid-June. Two weeks ago a coworker came to my desk and said "I think B's already gained the ILA 20". Now mind you, B's desk is less than 20 feet from mine, he was there at the time, and the person didn't exactly whisper it to me.

The XYZ 20: it's real, and we notice when you find it.

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