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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Not a great advertisement for your services

Recently, the coworker of a friend received an e-mail whose title was as follows:

(Jane) Your Invited to ELCE 2013

The 1st line was

(Jane) Your Invited to the Enterprise Learning! Conference & Expo 2013

Now the grammar fiends among you already see the issue. It should be YOU'RE, not YOUR.

Jane's comments were great. I've included them below.
OK, so this email is supposed to be for a LEARNING conference, EDUCATIONAL opportunity, etc etc... and the subject line AND first sentence in the body of the email says "YOUR invited to..."!!! Seriously?! Did they not pass grade school grammar?!? Oh my... what has this world come to when your EDUCATIONAL opportunity mass marketing email has simple grammar mistakes!!! How embarrassing for them!
(My Friend) - Definitely for (me)!! =)

How right she is. Typos drive me bananas. I always have someone proof my presentations, etc. Once I find a typo in something, it's all I focus on. Hope you enjoyed her submission. I surely did.

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