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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Too much of a good thing

My Introduction to Psychology professor used to say "In psychology, the extremes are seldom healthy". This is very true. I think you can replace "psychology" with "life" and have another important lesson. I was reminded of this recently by something I did.

I purchased a daybed for my guest room. My neighbor helped me get it home. I then put it together by myself. Now, if I was an octopus this wouldn't have been so bad, but I'm not. As I sat there sweating on the floor (because I was too cheap to turn on the air conditioning for the hour I was home), I thought how much easier this would have been if I'd have asked for help. I knew my neighbor would have gladly assisted me, a fact he confirmed when I told him my story later. I am very independent, sometimes to a fault as this scenario illustrates. Being indepedent is good, but being too independent can just make things harder than they have to be.

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