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Monday, December 2, 2013

Starting the work week off right

One of my first activities this morning at work was to cut off two more noncompliant customers (cue "Another One Bites the Dust"). Later in the morning one of my previous noncompliant customers turned in her overdue paperwork and her sheet for this week, the latter 2 days early. It seems her unemployment got cut off, and that prompted her to catch up. Funny how that works. She asked how soon her payments would be taken off suspension. I told her I'd e-mail the unemployment team as soon as she left, but I was unsure how long it would take for them to remove the hold. I found out later that it's nearly immediate. What I don't think she fully grasps is if she already got paid for the two weeks where her paperwork was late (and I think she did), she'll have to pay that back. It was a good start to the week.

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