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Friday, December 6, 2013

Worth Every Penny

Around six weeks ago I had major automotive trauma. I was driving home from work when all of a sudden my Tracker would not shift gears. At all. This is somewhat scary and dangerous when you are in traffic. Thankfully I was able to limp it home safely. As you may have guessed, the clutch had gone out. The bill for that was enough. However, it also ended up needing u-joints, a strut, an input shaft and a pilot bearing. I almost passed out when I heard how much the total bill was going to be. I'll just say it was a HUGE amount of money. I gave serious thought to not fixing it as it is not worth much. However, after talking to some wise family members and sleeping on it, I decided to fix it.

Fast forward to today. For the first time in the 3 winters I've owned the Tracker, we had winter weather that really impacted driving conditions. As I was driving home at 30 mph, I was so thankful I'd fixed it. I would have paid what I did just for the ride home today. While I did have some brief slides, it was no big deal. Mind you, I didn't even turn on the 4 wheel drive. This was just with the standard rear two wheel drive. The same trip in my sports car would have been treacherous and miserable, if not next to impossible. It was worth every penny to travel home in relative ease and not have to worry about the road conditions. I was so glad that I had an uneventful trip home. I celebrated with my tradition of having some hot cocoa while watching it snow. I added some candy canes for a seasonal twist.

Yes, that car repair was worth every penny.

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