you run into situations for which no amount of education prepares you. A couple
weeks ago I was working with a customer. She was seated, and I was standing
behind her helping her navigate a website. I looked down, and something about
her hair looked funny. After a few moments, I finally figured out what was
going on- her weave was coming out! Oh my. I wasn't sure what to do. If I
noticed it, someone doing an interview would as well. I didn't know what the
etiquette was for an instance such as this. After my customer left, I did
what I always do in such a situation- I requested a consult. I e-mailed a
former coworker for advice. Here is her response:
I’m not sure how you can casually mention, “your weave is coming
out”. I guess it would depend on the person and their “attitude”.
Personally, I would want to know, but some “chicks” may not
appreciate it. I guess if you feel that she would be receptive and NOT
offended, then yes, please mention it as tactfully as possible.
That was my thought
process as well, but it was nice to have independent confirmation of my idea.
As I told someone, there are some things that college doesn't teach you.