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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I get why Twitter millionaire cut momma off

Last week a customer came in the office looking for work. We discussed her job history and future goals. It was determined that due to the medical restrictions she has, a partner organization with whom we work would be the best place for her to seek services. She mentioned during the course of our conversation that she had been unemployed for several months after leaving her last job due to medical reasons. She said her son had been sending her money each month, but he told her that after August he would not be doing so any more.

As she was leaving my workspace, she said her son lives in California and works at Twitter. After Twitter stock went public, he is now a millionaire. She said her friends and family have been saying things like "if I were a millionaire I'd take care of my mom", etc. Obviously she's been telling all her friends and family her business. I have a different take. I understand exactly why he cut her off. She is capable of working, but she wasn't looking as long as he supported her. Now that he's stopped, she's earnestly seeking employment. Funny how that works. Suze Orman always says that you have to examine whether your generosity is benefiting someone in the long term. As she succinctly puts it "Are you helping or are you hurting?" 

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