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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How to make your boss's head explode

Monday I was talking to the Executive Director of the building in which my employer is housed. He had "that look". It means his head is about to explode. When he told me the story, I understood. I think you will too.

On Monday he asked one of his employees where she was Friday afternoon. No one had been able to find her. Her response: "I've asked for a raise, and you didn't give me one. Daycare is expensive. I'm now working 9-3." Yep, that's what she told him. She has, on her own, reduced her hours by 1/4 while drawing the same pay. It's a sweet gig if you can make it work. However, I don't think it's going to work for her. I'll give her this- that took some guts (and stupidity).

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