Tide is my detergent of choice. It's not always cheap, but it is great stuff. My target price is to pay not more than $5 after coupons for the 32 ounce bottle. This week Kroger has it on sale for $5.99 a bottle. If you buy 2 bottles, they give you $2 off. Already the price is $4.99, so time to buy. But wait, there's more. Recently there was a $2 coupon PER BOX good on powdered only. I have 2 of these coupons. Final price- $2.99/box. Kroger, here I come! Once I was in the store, I learned something interesting. The sale was good for a 32 load bottle or 40 load powder. Yes, the powder is WAY cheaper per load. I have no idea why. The liquid is my preferred, primarily since I use it to pretreat stains in lieu of other special products because it works so well. But for this deal, powder is my friend. I also have a couple of bottles on the shelf as there have recently been some decent sales on Tide, though none as good as this one.
If you use Tide and can find some coupons, get to Kroger this week. I saw today that JayC will have the same sale starting tomorrow. It's quite a deal.
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