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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Negotiating with Terrorists

You may have heard this phrase used by Ronald Reagan- "We don't negotiate with terrorists". While it may not have been entirely true, it contains some good advice. Sometimes the answer is just no. Period. No discussion.

Recently we had someone quit. No one on my team was sad. He can be a first class jerk, and he showed his behind in his first week of employment (The first day to be precise. Talk about making a first impression). While he may be gone, he's certainly not forgotten. He's been lobbying for close to a month to get paid for his remaining vacation. Our handbook (of which he had his own copy and access to an electronic copy on our company intranet) plainly states that if you quit with less than a year of service, you will not be paid for any vacation time.  He claims he didn't know. Well, dumb dumb, that's your own stupid fault. This week my boss decided to pay him for one day, trying to shut him up I think. I did not agree with this idea. The rule is the rule. When you break it for one person, it's pretty much no good. And guess what? It didn't work. The guy is STILL trying to get more, and he has said some very not professional things to my boss via e-mail.

Here are a few excerpts from his most recent rant:

"You say that that you would have expected any employee to work through their 2 week notice, this is not a given and now I am being penalized for doing the honorable thing."

Comment: It is common business practice to give and work two weeks notice. We only pay you the portion of the notice that you actually work. Funny how that equals out isn't it?

"I continue to become alerted to your 'policies' but in actuality it clearly shows your shortcomings in handling this matter in a professional manner."

Comment: Yep, insulting people generally makes them more amenable to your point of view, especially when the e-mail is sent to others in the organization.

"You should maybe do some soul searching and ask yourself "what is the RIGHT thing to do in this situation?""

Comment: Nice ending for his e-mail huh? Hehe.

I finally told my boss that this situation reminded me of Reagan's saying. I know he liked it because he told this person's former manager (who of course up until now has thought this guy was a fabulous employee) about it later. My boss has now decided he is going to ignore any further messages from this guy. Yep, should have done that after the first time you sent the policy to him.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bulking Up

Our company is having yet another weight loss contest. Can you tell these are not my favorite thing? I am all for encouraging people to live healthier lives. However, what happens is the same people win, and then they gain all the weight back. Yo-yo dieting is NOT healthy.

To prepare for the contest, my boss has been bulking up. Yes, packing on the pounds in preparation. He has won EVERY pounds lost contest we've ever had that I can remember, though I think he's been edged out on percentage lost before. Here are two examples for illustrative purposes.

Last week
Our team had been invited out to lunch. At the end of the meal, our host asked if we wanted dessert. My coworker and I got ours to go because we were full. My boss, who almost never gets dessert, not only ordered his to consume right after a large lunch, he called out after the waitress "Can I get that a la mode?" And yes, he ate it all.

This week
Last week I introduced my coworker to Dove Ice Cream bars. I couldn't believe she'd never had one before. Needless to say, she loved them. Tuesday I had to run several company errands, and I asked my team if there was anything else I should pick up. She said Dove bars. She happily ate hers when I returned. A few minutes later what do I see? My boss eating one. (The company paid for all the Dove Bars mentioned herein. Life is hard sometimes).

As you can see, my boss is working hard to win. I'll give him this- he's really disciplined, so it'll be hard core when the contest starts Monday.

On a related note, my coworker was sad this week that she weighed LESS than normal. She was aiming for 10 pounds in the contest, but she's already lost 7. She doesn't want to lose 10 more on top of that. Not often you hear people upset about weighing less than normal is it?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 8 Morons of 2010

A friend sent this to me. Not sure how much is true, but it's sure enjoyable.


AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package.
Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence.


Police in Oakland , CA
, spent two hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing beside them in the police line, shouting, 'Please come out and give yourself up.'


An Illinois man, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two different automated teller machines, wherein the kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank accounts!


A man walked into a Topeka , Kansas Kwik Stop and asked for all the money in the cash drawer. Apparently, the take was too small, so he tied up the store clerk and worked the counter himself for three hours until police showed up and grabbed him.


Police in Los Angeles had good luck with a robbery suspect who just couldn't control himself during a lineup. When detectives asked each man in the lineup to repeat the words: 'Give me all your money or I'll shoot', the man shouted, 'That's not what I said!'


A man spoke frantically into the phone: 'My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart'.

'Is this her first child?' the doctor asked. 'No!' the man shouted, 'This is her husband!'


In Modesto , CA , Steven Richard King was arrested for trying to hold up a Bank of America branch without a weapon.. King used a thumb and a finger to simulate a gun. Unfortunately, he failed to keep his hand in his pocket.

Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert an hour east of Bakersfield, CA, some folks new to boating, were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get their brand new 22 foot boat going. It was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no matter how much power they applied. After about an hour of trying to make it go, they putted into a nearby marina, thinking someone there may be able to tell them what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything in perfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out-drive went up and down, and the propeller was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath. He
came up choking on water, he was laughing so hard.
Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Something's Going On"

Yesterday my coworker asked me if I was still writing my book about our workplace. I told her not right now, that I am focusing on my blog from which I can pull material for my book. She wanted me to document her observation "Something's going in." She went on to say that while there's always something going on, this is different. We're starting to see some subtle signs in the organization that seem to portend large shifts of how it may function in the future. And thus far, some of them are not looking so good.

Stay tuned for future updates as they occur.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

DE Day

Today my teammate asked me "Are you going to be here tomorrow?". When one of us asks if the other is going to be there on a certain day, that normally means we want the day off. Sure enough, after I answered in the affirmative she said she was taking off. She then said she was taking a "DE Day". I'm sure I looked somewhat confused, so she said "I'm not telling you what it means". Of course, she later did. She said it stands for "disgruntled employee". There have been some recent situations that have pushed her to the limit, and she said she needs to take a day off before she kills someone. I loved this phrase. I think we all can use a DE day or two from time to time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Only A Few Miracles

This week at work I used the phrase "a prophet is without honor is his hometown" to describe why my boss likes traveling. When he goes to other locations of our company, people are super nice, schmooze on him, etc. When he's not traveling, he gets to spend time with my coworker and I. We very vocally speak up about things, even when he doesn't want to hear them (we do get along well though).

As I talked about this, I also shared something that struck me when I read about it recently  Here's the entire passage for context:

Matthew 13:53-58

New International Version (NIV)

A Prophet Without Honor

53 When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. 54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”
58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

What caught my attention was the last verse. I think the latter part of the sentence gets most of the emphasis when the story is discussed. I, however, was struck by the first part "did not do many (emphasis added) miracles". How amazing would it be to see ONE miracle? Jesus did so many that a few was barely worth mentioning. That is just mind blowing to me.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fishing Is Fun

The Sunday before last my brother and I went fishing. Mostly, it was me hanging out, fishless, while the fish practically threw themselves out of the water at my brother. After a long while though, I caught this fish.

Not long after that, I landed this one.

I should use this to remind myself of the value of patience, usually not one of my best virtues. Good things did indeed come to she who waited.

Catfish are certainly ugly creatures, but they looked very good as I reeled them. Special thanks to my brother for performing the "release" part of catch and release fishing and for acting as the expedition photographer.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sometimes The Best Thing You Can Do Is Nothing

One of my goals for this year has been to reallocate the money in my 401(k) and Roth IRA. I did my 401(k) a while back, and I decided to get serious about changing the Roth this week. After a lot of research, here's what I did- NOTHING. It turns out that where I have the money is actually the best option given my desired criteria (expense ratios, ease of investing monthly amounts, and allocation among different asset classes). At first I was frustrated that I did all this work for nothing, but I realized that's not true at all. I put in all the effort to make sure my money was in the best possible place, and it is. Sometimes doing nothing is exactly what we need to do.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Here's a Scripture You Probably Don't Hear Quoted Very Often

Matthew 24:28 (New International Version)
"Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather".

I cracked up as I read this the other day. It's true both by itself (I've seen it) and a good example in relation to its context (signs of the time). It's also just funny to know that if someone challenges you to quote a Bible verse, you could use this one. Of course, the person probably won't believe you until seeing it with his or her own eyes, and that makes it that much better I think.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bank of America Foreclosed Upon- Poetic Justice

My coworker told me about this story last week. It seems BOA tried to foreclose upon a couple who paid for their home with CASH. Stupidly, BOA took the case to court. It lost- DUH. Even dumber, they didn't pay the legal costs as required. Thus, THEY were the ones foreclosed upon. Pure poetic justice.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inspirtation in Unexpected Places

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate"  Quote on a Dove candy wrapper

The more I thought about this quote, the more it resonated with me (the chocolate inside the wrapper was really good too). There is a saying that goes "you only see that which you're willing to see". When we open our eyes to possibilities and focus on them, it seems there are more of them. What is probably more likely is we are just noticing what has been there all along.  Case in point: I am looking to purchase a 2nd car as my winter driver/convertible/gas saver. Ever since I've decided to purchase this, I've seen the model I want everywhere. How often did I see them before then? Rarely. Were they still there? Well, since they haven't made this model in about a decade, I'd say the odds are high they were. I just notice them now.

Last week one of my coworkers returned from being off for several weeks on short term disability. I asked her why she was off, henceforth to be known as Mistake #1. After an approximately 5 minutes tale of woe and whining, she ended with "but I'm trying to stay positive". I thought "If this is positive, you are failing miserably".

Most of us are so blessed so much of the time, but instead we focus on what we don't have. Last year we had a sermon at church on thankfulness. Our assignment after the service was to go home and write down the things for which we are thankful. Talk about humbling. Good health, family, friends, a place to live, etc., pretty soon you realize how very much we have to be grateful for every minute of every day.

This week try to look for the positive in your life. For example- the fact that the ringing alarm wakes you means that you can hear. The more we focus on being thankful for what we have, the more you'll notice how much you have in life for which to express thanks.

Monday, July 18, 2011

You Should Know This

Friday I asked my coworker how he liked his new car. He said it really liked it, but he had to watch how many miles he drove since it was a lease. I asked him how many miles a year the lease allowed. His response? "I really should find that out."

Seriously? You think so? It seems his grandfather negotiated the deal for him. There is nothing wrong with letting someone who's a better negotiator than you do the heavy lifting. However, you should KNOW what the end result is BEFORE you sign YOUR name on the dotted line. Crazy!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Many Words May Not Equal Great Meaning

This quote is from the current (7/18/11) issue of Forbes Magazine:

What we're really doing is building a bridge to connect the values and standards of our traditional media heritage with the dynamic natures of digital publishing in the era of social media.

The first time I read it, I thought "That sentence made no sense". Then I read it again. Yep, right the first time. It's like someone took a bunch of buzzwords, threw them together, and called it a sentence.

1. Did the person who wrote this actually think this was a good piece of wordsmithing?
2. Did anyone else actually read it before it was printed?

Morale of the story
 Just because you use a lot of buzzwords doesn't mean you're actually communicating anything (actually, it probably reduces the odds severely). It's good to have someone who will give you honest feedback read what you've written before presenting it to a large audience.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

While These Are Solutions, They May Not Be The Best Ones

 A recent security audit revealed that our rented offsite storage facility has not been turning on their alarm system at night for who knows how long. It seems they were getting false alarms when birds got in the building. Their fix? Just don't use it. Did they happen to tell anyone about the bird problem or their solution to it? As you might guess, the answer is no.

Well, of course, when someone higher up heard about this, the situation was quickly deemed unacceptable- DUH. We only have several million dollars worth of product that someone could steal. It could also be vandalized in such a way that would make for an extremely expensive clean up.

Guess what corrective action was chosen? They turned off the motion detectors. Doesn't seem like the best solution does it? The alarm company technician who did it essentially said it was stupid. I'm not sure if the person in charge of the audit will accept this as an appropriate countermeasure. I certainly hope not.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That's Something You Don't See Every Day

Today I saw an interesting sight at the pool- a guy wearing a pink shower cap in the pool.

There are two reasons this was very attention-getting. In case you haven't figured out what they are, here's the list:

1. The guy was wearing a really feminine looking pink
2. It was a shower cap, not a swim cap.

I was definitely not the only person who noticed this attire. After all, that's not something you see every day.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 9th Birthday!

Last week was a momentous occasion- my car turned 9. The previous month was another milestone which I find even better- five years of no car payments! YEA!!! This is by far the longest I've ever owned a car. My previous 2 cars were short term leases. Once I got a real job and paid off my student loans, I bought my dream car. I still love it after all this time. However, what I love most is that it's PAID FOR. In addition to the great blessing of no car payments, driving an older car means lower insurance premiums as the car is worth less and my license plate renewal is much cheaper too for the same reason. All in all, it's just pretty sweet.

I was at a cookout this weekend, and the no car payment issue came up. My friend announced that she had just paid off her car. We all congratulated her. One of the guests said something I really liked about cars- "To get ahead, you've got to get the best deal you can, pay it off as fast as you can, and drive it as long as you can". I could not agree more. My friend's husband stated that his vehicle has 220,000 miles on it. My sister's car is approaching a quarter million miles. Two years ago it was giving her some trouble, and she was seriously considering getting a new one. Now it's running fine, and she's very happy she doesn't have a car payment. My mom's car is paid off, and she's planning to drive it several more years. The same year I bought my car, three of my coworkers also bought new vehicles. We are all still driving them. They are all still in great shape, and we are loving the life of no car payments.

This brings me to another point- maintenance counts. If you plan to drive your car until it dies, it helps to prolong the death as long as possible.   It's not rocket science, nor it is hugely expensive. Check the fluids levels regularly and change them when the time comes. Wash the bird poop and salt off your car promptly to maintain the finish. Clean out the interior of your car so it doesn't stink or look like a sty. Replace things like fuel filters and belts as your owner's manual recommends (you know, it's that book that came with your car). Yes, it costs a little bit in terms of time and money, but the payoff of no car payments is definitely worth it.

If you are a member of the no car payment club, congratulations! If you are working your way there, keep plugging away. It is indeed as great a place as you've heard.

Alternate Definition of the Golden Rule

You are probably familiar with the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is true, and it is good advice to model in your life. Today I want to discuss another version of it: "He who has the gold makes the rules". There is truth to be found there as well.

Perhaps you read my previous post and found it a tad harsh. You need to remember that living in someone else's house while they take care of the bills is a privilege. It is THEIR house, thus they get to make the rules. You can choose not the follow them, but your choice may well lead to your needing to find alternate living quarters. He who has the gold makes the rules.

Another area I think you will see this in ever increasing frequency is employer actions regarding your health. Already many companies are requiring health screens, mandatory preventative health care utilization, and others even prohibit the use of tobacco products on or off the job (the latter is not lawful in all states). You may think: this is my life, and it's none of my employer's business how I live it. I am a huge advocacy of privacy and individual freedom, so I understand. However, if you are on your company's health or disability insurance, it is THEIR business. Your behavior helps determine claims which determine premiums. Thus, he who has the gold makes the rules.

Another area I've seen this arise is weddings. Frequently parents will "give" their kids money to pay for part or all of the ceremony. I put quotes around give for a reason. In a true gift, the recipient decides how to use the money. Often, though, the gift in these cases comes to be viewed by the giver as more of a trade of cash for influence in the wedding decision making. I even know one bride who told the groom "Your input in this (the wedding planning) is directly proportional to what you're paying- NONE!". Great way to start a marriage don't you think? If you are a giver in this situation- examine your motives. And remember- it's not YOUR wedding. If you are a recipient, fully consider possible ramifications of excepting. And remember- it is YOUR wedding.

Moral of today's story: For good or for bad, it is indeed sometimes true that "he who has the gold makes the rules".

Rules for Living (Here)

The below rules were developed by Christine Geiser and her husband. They have two college-age sons living at home. She said it was okay to share them, and other people might want to modify them to their specific situations. Enjoy!

As your parents, it is our hope that you will make wise choices in the future and develop into the brilliant man we know you can be. We are excited to see what you will make of yourself and know you have tremendous potential. There is no doubt in our mind you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. We know you are capable of making wise choices. As much as we have specific wants for how you live your life, ultimately we know the decision is up to you. Our purpose in composing the Rules below is to help you transition from being a dependent child to an independent adult. We are here to help you in that transition; however, it is your ultimate decision to either follow the rules or break them knowing the consequences of doing so.

We realize that we have made mistakes as parents. We hope you will forgive us for those mistakes. We are not perfect; however, we have tried to provide you with the love, support and discipline you needed while growing up in our home. Everything we’ve done has been because we love you; however, we know we have held you back from being all God desires you to be by providing many things to you without your having to work for them and by not being consistent in establishing rules and/or consequences. We are changing our behavior by the implementation of the Rules below. They will be enforced and will be enforced consistently. Please take heed to the changes we are making in this regard.

As mentioned, we love you. We want the best for you – always have, always will. We know mistakes will be made along the way. We all make them. We hope you will learn from your mistakes (as we are trying to do) pick yourself back up, and become a better person because of them. We will always love you, regardless of any mistakes you might make; however, we will no longer do the following:

  1. Give you money
  2. Argue, debate, and/or negotiate the Rules below
  3. Co-sign a lease or mortgage
  4. Bail you out of jail

We will:

  1. Pray for you every day
  2. Remain consistent in following the Rules below
  3. Follow-up on the consequences listed below
  4. Help you by providing the support contained in the Plan below
  5. Be available for advice and love and provide resources to you

Keep in mind: We are talking about privileges, not entitlements. It’s a privilege to borrow our car, have a cell phone, eat free food, live rent-free and go to college. We are continuing to pay for many of those privileges on your behalf for a period of time beyond what we are required in order to help you get on your feet. We love you. “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Mom and Dad

ENROLLED FULL-TIME IN SCHOOL (Available until age 23)


Sun., Mon., Tues., Weds., Thurs.: 10:00 p.m. for houseguests. 11:00 p.m. to be at home

Fri., Sat.: 12:00 p.m. houseguests and 1:00 p.m. to be at home

- Violation of a curfew will follow the disciplinary action process steps


*Permission must be obtained before having anyone over. There is no Open Door policy.

*Females are NOT allowed, for any reason, in your bedrooms

*Guests are NOT allowed in our bedroom or bathroom

*You must obtain permission to have a guest stay overnight. You should ask us BEFORE asking the guest. If you don’t, the answer is “no”. Lights out will be expected as defined by curfew hours.

- Violation of any of the above will result in a 3-tiered consequence: 1. Guest will not be allowed to visit for one week. 2. Guest will not be allowed to visit for one month. 3. Guest will not be allowed to visit for six months. Based on circumstances, we may forego the above and ban a guest from our home permanently at any time.


*No smoking – including Hookah – inside our house

*No drinking – until age 21, then responsibly. Same for guests.

*No sex

*No drugs

*No illegal activities

- Violation of any of the above will result in immediate request to move out and possible notification to the police


*No food or drink, except for water, in any area outside of the first floor

- Violation of the above will result in your having to purchase your own food and/or drink based on the tiered consequence: 1. One week. 2. One month. 3. Permanently


Meals will be made for you; however, if you are unable to or decide not to participate in a family meal, you are asked to notify Mom 1 hour prior to meal time (5:30 p.m.). If you continually do not show up for a meal or provide notification, meals will no longer be provided and you will be expected to purchase your own food. You may store your food in the mini-refrigerator and cabinets in the garage. You are expected to make every attempt to attend Sunday lunches which will be served at 12:30 p.m.


*Entry and exit should be through the front door only which should be locked at all times. No one should be given a key nor should a spare key be made.

-Violation of the above will result immediately in your loss of a key. You will need to be let in.


*Dishes will be done after each meal (you will be assigned a rotating month or week)

*Trash will be collected weekly and loaded into the truck (you will be assigned a rotating month/week)

*Lawn will be mowed and trimmed weekly (you will be assigned a rotating month or week)

* You will assist with housecleaning and yard work as needed and requested. One day a week you will be required to deep clean.


- Laundry: You are responsible for your own. Clothes should not be left throughout the house. Any clothing item left in one location longer than 2 days will be boxed up and put in storage. This includes laundry left in the washer, dryer, or laundry room floor.

- Bathroom: Toilets are to be flushed after each use and towels are to be hung on a hook

- Respect: It should go without saying, but you are required to be respectful to us and your sibling at all times. This includes no foul language, walking away during a conversation, or disrespectful tones or bursts of anger.

- Home: While you are living at home you are expected to help maintain it. This includes the chores outlined above and any other needed repairs or household work.

- Church: It is hoped you will attend a weekly service, whether with us or on your own. God needs to be the center of your life and honoring him weekly and in your daily life should be a priority. God will be there when we can’t, make sure he knows who you are!

- College: One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to obtain a college education. Make sure you don’t regret not obtaining it when you have the opportunity to do so. We will help you pay for your first year in college; however, you will be required to pay us back for any loans taken out in our name to pay for your college. Repayment will begin either at graduation, when you are no longer passing, or when you are no longer enrolled as a full-time student, whichever is earlier. While working, you will be required to deposit money into our savings account at $25.00 per pay period at a minimum. The second, third and fourth year of college we will help you out if we can; however, you should plan on funding it yourself.

- Relationships: Foster them, but choose your friends wisely. Choose a girlfriend even more carefully. They will be a reflection of you, make sure you are able to look in the mirror and be proud of what you see. Friends can lead you on the path of righteousness or down the path of destructiveness. You WILL be pulled into their lifestyle, make sure it’s a good one.

- Family: Family will be there for you when others won’t. Don’t forget the importance of supporting them as well by attending family functions and remembering special days such as; holidays, birthdays, anniversaries. Calls are appreciated and needed to maintain regular correspondence, but your attendance and participation is even more important. Doing things even when we don’t want to shows character – build yours by remembering your family!

- Car: A car may or may not be available for your use. If available, you are responsible for driving safely and ensuring proper car mechanics. You are responsible for paying for gas and the car should be returned with the same amount of gas in it as when borrowed. A car may be “rented” at $5.00 per day or $25.00 for the week to help pay for car maintenance. This is payable BEFORE use of the car. If you are purchasing the car, this amount will be applied towards your payment and purchase price. You should always check oil and water levels and report any problems immediately to us. Driving privileges will be revoked when rules are not followed.


*All expenses covered, as reasonable, and while adhering to the rules, for the first four years after graduating high school and while enrolled in college full-time with the following exclusions:

1. Gas money

2. Car

3. Personal expenses including; Clothes, entertainment, eating out, vacations, car accessories, gifts, fines, tickets, car repairs due to your negligence, other unnecessary wants, etc.

After four years, even if still enrolled in school, rules below will apply.


(Same as above with the following exceptions)


*Health, Dental and Vision insurance premiums only. You will be responsible for any outstanding balances after insurance payment.


*Car, Car insurance, Gas, Phone, Personal expenses including clothes, hair, entertainment, car title, etc.

*Rent will be paid by YOU to cover water, electricity and food expenses at $200.00/month

You WILL be required to be awake and up before 11:00 a.m. on a regular basis and complete designated chores. You will be required to seek, obtain, and maintain gainful employment while living at home.



*Health, Dental and Vision insurance premiums only. You will be responsible for any outstanding balances after insurance payment.


*Car, Car insurance, Gas, Phone, Personal expenses including clothes, hair, entertainment, car title, etc.

*Your rental expenses

- Keep in mind: Just because you are in college, if you do not pay your expenses, you will be responsible for resulting repercussions. We will not cover these expenses for you if you’re unable to do so. This WILL result in bad credit and WILL affect your credit history and ability to obtain loans and purchase a car or house in the future. Our advise to you is set a budget and stay on it.


We know moving out is both exciting and scary. Getting on your two feet is difficult without some help. We are prepared to help you for the first month, for the first time and first time only, by providing the following payments on your behalf:

1. One month’s rent or deposit

2. One month’s payment on cell phone service

3. A supply of food for two weeks (this doesn’t include $ for food or eating out)

4. A full tank of gas (if you own a car)

5. One month payment on your car insurance premium

6. If you’ve been employed full-time for a minimum of six months we will consider co-signing on an auto loan for you in the future.


2. Mattress, Box Spring and 2 Pillows

3. Personal Items i.e., clothes, razors, gifts given to you

4. Your Phone (Deactivated after one month from moving out date if contract is up or at time of contract renewal. You will pay monthly fees to us until renewal; otherwise, phone will be deactivated)


1. Bed, including bedroom furniture, TV’s, lamps, etc.

2. Anything not owned or purchased by you including towels, plates, tools, speakers, mini-refrig., pots, pans, dishes, silverware, appliances, etc.

3. Cars unpaid for and not titled to you unless specific repayment arrangements are made

  1. Anything not pre-approved

1. Warning with removal of privilege for one week as related to the infraction.
2. Deactivation of phone – one month
3. Deactivation of phone – permanently
4. Loss of driving privilege in any car not owned by you
5. Fine of $25.00 for each violation to be paid at the end of the week. Max. violation/wk. = 4
6. You will be required to move out within 30 days unless defined differently above
Each step is progressive. Second infractions which occur within one week from the last will move to the next step in the disciplinary action process. Phones will not be reactivated once permanently deactivated. Driving privileges will not be reinstated once lost. If asked to move out and you have not done so within 30 days, your personal items will be removed from the house and put into storage and a formal eviction process will begin.

Any expenses we cover on your behalf will be reimbursed to us. Payment is to be made as soon as possible. If you are working, 20% of your net paycheck will go to us to reimburse us for any outstanding expenses until repaid except for college expenses, as defined as above, with repayment deferred and repayable as defined. Repayment DOES INCLUDE college loans and any other personal loans.

I have read and understand the terms above:

______________________________________________/_______________________ (Effective 7/1/11)