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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

You're out of here

And now time for a "what is wrong with people?" episode straight from my life. At work I was doing an intake interview for a customer. He had expressed an interest in seeking funding to continue his education. I gave him the things he would need to do before he took the next step in the process and told him to give me a call when he had completed them. He asked for my phone number, and I rattled off the number to the office. Then he said "No, what's your number?". I deflected with "that's not available". According to my coworker, he asked at least 3 times. My memory has thankfully blocked that. Here's the kicker: on the basis of the intake interview I already knew he had no job (dealbreaker unless you are independently wealthy) and kids (dealbreaker period). As I told someone, even if he was the hottest guy I had ever met (and of course he wasn't), there was not a chance. Seriously, how deluded do you think I am? He has now been assigned to the one male employee we have at another office. I no longer have to deal with him. After telling this story to some of coworkers I found out this is not an unheard of experience. I've already said that my next job will not involve dealing with the general public. This is just one of many reasons why.

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