Last week I had two different people tell me that the jobs they started had turned into something that wasn't a good fit for them. I completely understand. I've decided that job interviews are liking dating. On a first date everyone (hopefully) takes an extra effort to look nice, use their best manners, and generally try to hide their crazy. Fast forward a few months. You're lucky if the person is wearing clean sweats, has showered in the last few days, and speaks in complete sentences occasionally. It's a very similar process for interviews, both for the employer and potential employee.
Like dating, there's no magic way to tell if this is going to be a successful relationship. Things I would definitely advise include observing how the employees of your interviewing company act, inquiring why the position is open and what the turnover is for both the company and the department, and trying to use your network to find someone who works there who'll give an honest assessment of the place.
If you do the above and still find yourself with a job that isn't what you thought it would be, don't beat yourself up. Crazy is easy to hide in the short term. Update your resume and start looking for something else. You got a new job at this company, you can find another somewhere else.
P.S. My neighbor was telling me recently about how he "broke up" with his former boss (his exact words). I think that's another good analogy. Just as can happen in dating relationships, the other party didn't handle it all that well.
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