A couple weeks ago I got an e-mail from a friend who's going through a rough time at work. After I read it, I told my coworker, "this is me 6 months ago". My friend is burned out and done. She's going through a lot of what I went through in terms of dealing with dysfunctional people in leadership, not being valued for all she brings to the table, etc. She is also experiencing the inordinate frustrations of job searching.
It was very interesting for me for two reasons. First, I realized how far removed I am from that. I was very unhappy at my job for a long time. People who left before me described how they got out of the crazy and looked back at how messed up it was. I completely understand.
Secondly, I was able to offer my friend not only sympathy but more importantly empathy. No two journeys of any kind (financial, occupational, relational, etc.) are exactly the same, but that being said, someone who's been there has insight that no one else can offer.
I told my friend how much of my 6-months-ago self I saw in her. I also reminded her that I made it through and that she will too. Life is full of situations we do not love that will not endure. It's good to be reminded of that by someone who's living proof.
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