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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

People different from us- part 2

@ my job
Oh my, where to start. I think my friend said it best. When he found out I'd be taking this job, he told his wife "This will be an eye opening experience for her." He was not wrong.
I work for the state agency that handles unemployment. Though that's not my specific function, I interact a lot with these customers. I have to remind myself that the customers we see are not a representative sample of unemployment recipients. Most people do all their claim filling online, and we never see or hear from them. Here are things I have observed based on the customers we do see.
1. Low education level
I have never met so many people who don't have a high school diploma or GED. Everyone I personally know has at least this education. I had no idea there was such a large population without this.
2. No driver's license
Who are all these people who don't have a driver's license? I've never seen this many state issued ID cards in my life. Everyone I know who is 16 or over has a driver's license. I just don't get it.
3. Lack of computer savvy
I realize that computer skills are something I take for granted. I assume most people can read a screen, follow the directions, and complete their task. I would be wrong. Our computer resources are completely self service. We are not allowed to do them for you. My coworker was recently telling someone to left click something. The customer picked up the mouse and pointed it at the screen. If you or someone you know needs to increase your computer skills, there are many options available. Many libraries have free classes, and there are websites you can use at no charge. This has made me very determined to keep my technology skills updated as time goes by.
4. PJ pants in public
This item is in honor of my former coworker. She detests PJ pants in public. I totally get it. Unfortunately, I see this so often, it's hardly noteworthy. If you are coming to our offices for services, I want to see you make some effort. We are a business, not your house. Have some pride in your appearance and put on your grown up clothes.
5. Smoking
No one in my family/social circle smokes. I am amazed at how of our customers do. The smell is sometimes so strong I can't be anywhere in the immediate area of the person.
This has indeed been a very enlightening job for me. It has made me clearly see that there are many people who are very different from me.

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